Property Assessment Appeal Board Numbers Increase Dramatically

If BC Assessment is doing such a good job valuing Industrial, Commercial & Investment properties, why are there so many complicated appeals before the Appeal Board since 2016?

Either BCA’s values are inaccurate and these appeals are warranted, or BCA’s values are accurate and these appeals are unwarranted. It can’t be both.

In recent years the appeal agent community has flooded the appeal system. After many months- or sometimes years- leaving appeals in the system, agents then annually withdraw over 50% of their “gear-grinding” appeals, their magic leverage fully utilized to get BCA to capitulate. “Horse-trading” ensues, often relying on sketchy, incomplete information, BCA reducing assessed values for expediency.

With few changes in Assessment legislation or Board rules, the system is failing. BC Assessment caves on their valuations due to a lack of resources, agents make lots of money, and the Appeal Board meets their “targets.” Smaller property owners absorb the taxes not paid by the big players.

Of Note: The vast majority of formally adjudicated appeals are simple residential & commercial appeals. Complex, higher profile properties are too expensive to litigate for all participants: BC Assessment, the Property Assessment Appeal Board, and the agents that represent property owners. All parties lack a fraction of the resources needed to properly arbitrate complex property valuations.

And EVERYONE in the system knows that.

2004 to 2023 Property Assessment Appeal Board HISTORIC VOLUMES- Dramatic Increases Source: Appeal Board Annual Reports.

2019 to 2023 Dramatic APPEAL WORKLOADS INCREASING EVERY YEAR Source: Appeal Board Annual Reports.

Derek Holloway